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Baldi's Basics

Baldi's Basics

Baldi's Basics is a horror school game. This is a horror game with some terrible lessons. The main character is welcomed to class by a goofy-looking elementary school teacher. The environment is bright and well-lit, and the music is playful. Nothing could be threatening or alarming at first. However, something heinous and terrifying is taking place behind the scenes. Only brave souls will be able to face what lies ahead. The goal is to collect seven notebooks scattered throughout the classroom. Finding them is only the first step. Each time, a series of math problems are presented. Try to solve them and double-check your answer. Otherwise, you must confront the terrifying tutor's insanity. Just start having fun with this game.

How To Play

You attack with a combination of WASD keys, adjust the angle of view with the mouse, and run for a short period of time by holding down the shift key. Have a good time!

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