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Roblox Doors

Roblox Doors

Roblox Doors is a popular action horror game right now. In the game, you will become stuck in a dark chamber and must discover your way out. However, fleeing the chamber will be difficult since there will be several creatures lurking behind the doors, ready to pounce at any time. To avoid the terrible creatures, you must be exceedingly cautious, alert, and fast to respond when playing the game. Otherwise, those creatures will devour you. You can proceed if you select the correct door. A swarm of creatures will attack you if you open the incorrect door. You must search the rooms for valuable things while avoiding the creatures that lurk in various parts of the home. You may play the game by yourself or with your buddies. If you wish to play with your friends, simply invite them to the server and start the game after everyone has joined the lobby. Join the game today and be the last one standing! Best wishes!

How To Play

Use the mouse in combination with the following keyboard keys to explore the rooms of the building:

  • WASD/Arrows up, left, right, and down
  • Go to: Space
  • E/Mouse interaction
  • Crouch with C/Left Ctrl/Left Shift
  • Acceptance and Confirmation: Use the left mouse button to click.
  • Useful Item: Left Mouse Click
  • Backspace is an object that may be dropped.
  • To unlock the door, press E.
  • Items 1-5 are interchangeable.
3D ACTION action gun shoot bomb clash room
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