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Matches Puzzle Game

Matches Puzzle Game

You'll need to think creatively to solve the math puzzles in the Matches Puzzle Game, a game in which you play with matches. Displayed on the screen will be incorrect mathematical operations derived from the matches. To progress through each level, you must rearrange, add, and eliminate matches until you reach the optimal solution. You can exercise your rational mind and creative side in this way. In order to solve the puzzle as soon as possible, you should pay close attention and try to generate as many potential solutions as feasible. In this section, you will be challenged to develop creative solutions to hundreds of arithmetic problems, some of which will be incredibly challenging. How far will you get in this game? Put your brain to the test with this entertaining matchstick puzzle. This game features a plethora of riddles that you might enjoy tackling.

How To Play

To nudge the matches, click and hold the left mouse button.

PUZZLE classic puzzle match brainchallenge brain logic logical difficulty mathematic
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